First Things First: How to Escape the Daily Grind

First Things First: How to Escape the Daily Grind

By: Faizan Haq, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Your Bliss Magazine President & CEO, Manage Your Business LLC

Our lives are no longer simple. Our priorities are complex. Our relationships are complicated. Our communications are multi-faceted. Our future is unpredictable. In this perplexing world, how do we manage our personal and work life? How do we create a healthy balance between the two? Before we can answer that question, we have to ask; have we created a separation between the two? Was there ever a separation between the two? Will there ever be a separation between the two? Is family more important, or providing for the family? Is health more important, or paying for the healthcare?

These questions may not pop up in our minds exactly in that sequence, or exactly in those words. However, they keep resurrecting like annoying, crawling bugs in our minds. The increasing prescriptions to anti-anxiety medications, mood-stabilizing and anti-depressant drugs and feel-good chemicals are strong indicators that the people in advanced societies are on the verge of mental and emotional collapse. There are messages that cannot be turned off. There are images that cannot be unseen. There is a constant, relentless war of looking esthetic that is promoting ugliness in people. Can one escape from them all?

After being subjected to this myself and the year before, recovering from COVID-19, experiencing an unprecedented health event in my life, I took some time to reorganize my life. This is when I learned what our elders meant when they said, “first things first.” The first thing in our life is life itself. Life exists, as long as our soul remains in our body. The preservation of the soul shall always be the number one priority. All emotional, mental and physical health issues are directly related to the preservation of the soul. The most nourishing food for the soul is love for your fellow beings, from bees to human beings. This love shall encompass all humanity, including but not limited to friends, relatives, neighbors, community members, and even your competitors and adversaries. We will continue this discussion in the next blogs of “first things first.” Stay tuned for Your Bliss Magazine and visit for more.

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