Your Digital Budget Vanishes Into Thin Air

Your Digital Budget Vanishes Into Thin Air

By Canny Savanney So, you fell off the band wagon on keeping up with your Digital Excel budget? It’s okay it happens to the best of us. Keeping a budget is easier said than always done. You mindfully have been keeping a vague track on what you have been spending, but it still would be a promisi...

By Canny Savanney

So, you fell off the band wagon on keeping up with your Digital Excel budget? It’s okay it happens to the best of us. Keeping a budget is easier said than always done.

You mindfully have been keeping a vague track on what you have been spending, but it still would be a promising idea to jot it down in your budget. Finally, you take the time to sit down to fill in your finances on your phone and you realize it has vanished. Everything you have been keeping track of just disappeared in the blink of an eye. Dumbfounded you sit staring at your phone’s screen of where your budget should be. How are you supposed you recover something if there is nothing left? Fear not, you are wiser than this.
Your panic attack has started slowly begun to dwindle away. The budget is not completely lost forever and no it is not somewhere in the cloud. Although, if you wish to put in the cloud that is another option. Cleverly you have saved your budget each month at the beginning and end of each month an updated version on your computer. You copy it back on to your phone and update it completely. This time you make sure to save it in multiple spots on your phone for recovery so you won’t have to worry about it completely poofing out of thin air.

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