Why You Should Update Your Passwords

Why You Should Update Your Passwords

By: Jordon Stockwell

Most businesses are concerned about network security, and there are numerous ways to improve it, including changing passwords. But how often should your password be changed? Perhaps you haven’t changed your password since high school or college and have no plans to do so? Well, you aren’t the only one, but it doesn’t make it right. It’s also worth noting that some people believe that changing passwords is just as unpleasant as retiring. As a result, many continue to use the same or a very similar password for far longer than is necessary, ignorant to the fact that failing to update or recycle passwords offers a variety of online security risks. Furthermore, 66% of people in the United States use the same password for many of their online accounts, and 75% think it’s difficult to remember and keep track of their passwords. The terrible part is that, while changing your password may seem tedious, it is sometimes the only way to keep your company’s valuable information from falling into the wrong hands.

How Often Should I Change My Passwords?

People should change their passwords every three months, according to IT experts. However, if you suspect you’ve been a target of a cyber-attack, you should make the necessary changes right away. The goal is to ensure that if a password is stolen, a cybercriminal will only spend a brief period inside the hacked account. If you do not intend to change your password on a regular basis, it is recommended that you follow the instructions below for changing your password:

1. If you suspect your account has been compromised, change your password right away.

2. Use strong, one-of-a-kind passwords.

3. To prevent remembering or taking note of your passwords, utilize a password manager instead.

4. Consider utilizing two-factor authentication whenever possible to ensure that a compromised password does not jeopardize your account.

How Do Passwords Get Hacked?

Password-hacking tactics are accessible to online attackers in a variety of ways. Purchasing your credentials on the dark web may be the simplest choice. Understand that obtaining and selling login passwords and credentials on the black market is a lucrative business for hackers. That means that if you’re still using the same password after a few years, it’s very likely that it’s been compromised. The following are some of the methods used by attackers to obtain passwords:

1. Guessing

2. Phishing

3. Malware

4. Brute Force Attack

How to Create a Strong Password

Here are tips for creating strong passwords:

1. It can be difficult to come up with a strong combination of 15-to-20 or larger character passwords with capital letters and special symbols, but this will ensure your password is secure.

2. A password generator will be helpful, if you want a random string of characters as your password, and it will go a long way toward safeguarding your online accounts and devices.

3. Reusing passwords is a bad idea because hackers will try to crack your old password and variations of it as soon as they get their hands on it.

4. Make use of a passphrase. That refers to a group of words that, when put together, create meaning in some way.

5. Invest in a password manager to add an extra degree of security and the ability to store many complex passwords.

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