By Brandi Aurelio For me, winters are rough, especially living in Buffalo, New York. With the lack of sun and the illnesses circulating, it’s hard to stay healthy both mentally and physically. I always try to keep up on supplementing vitamins to keep my body and mind going strong. I’ve found a n...
By Brandi Aurelio
For me, winters are rough, especially living in Buffalo, New York. With the lack of sun and the illnesses circulating, it’s hard to stay healthy both mentally and physically. I always try to keep up on supplementing vitamins to keep my body and mind going strong. I’ve found a nice list from Active Beat of supplements to take during the winter months to help keep you healthy until spring arrives again.
1. Vitamin C
Vitamin C isn’t only for preventing colds. During the winter, fruits and veggies that are high in vitamin C become rather scarce. Take some more often to support tissue growth, healthy blood vessels, strong bones and of course to ward off that pesky cold and flu.
2. Iron
Low iron could cause you to feel very sluggish and run down when winter hits. Iron can help keep your energy level up, as well as encouraging healthy blood oxygen delivery. Always consult your doctor before introducing an iron supplement into your daily routine.
3. Vitamin A
If you are iron deficient, chances are your vitamin A levels are low as well. Vitamin A will make you look and feel more lively, putting glow back into dull winter skin. It can also help keep your bones strong.
4. Calcium
It’s well known that calcium supports bone growth and strength. Taking calcium could be essential in protecting your bones in case of a nasty fall in the winter months. This is especially important for women above the age of 35 because their calcium levels begin to decline.
5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D. It’s something we all lack in the winter here in Buffalo. When the skies are grey for months at a time, we don’t get that necessary vitamin from the sunshine. Without vitamin D, our body can’t absorb other vitamins and minerals, such as calcium. This can take a toll on our health, as well as our mental state. Be sure to supplement this extremely important vitamin to stay healthy this winter.
6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can help boost your mood which, if you are anything like me, is essential during the winter months. But the benefits don’t stop there. This supplement can also improve mental focus and boost your immune system.
7. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is very important for those who suffer from seasonal dry skin, nails and hair. Vitamin E is a moisturizing antioxidant that infuses with the skin, hair and nails, and sooths dryness.
8. Folic Acid
Folic acid is commonly found in green, leafy vegetables. So if you’re the type of person who doesn’t like their spinach and arugula, you could be lacking in folic acid. Because we take more hot baths and showers in the winter months when humidity is low, our skin can become severely dried out. Supplement folic acid to help remedy this issue.
9. B Vitamins
Commonly referred to as the B Complex, these vitamins are used to convert carbs into energy. This in turn metabolizes fats and proteins into fuel for our bodies. Supplementing B vitamins can help with metabolisms, as well as lessening feelings for depression and anxiety.
10. Magnesium
If you are a woman, then adding magnesium to your diet could be a game changer. Magnesium has been known to lessen the pain of menstrual cramps, particularly during winter. It achieves this by lessening muscle contractions and severe nerve impulses.
Winter is always a hard season to get through. Be sure to take care of yourself with the proper supplements to improve your health. As always, be sure to consult with your doctor if you feel you are deficient in any of the above vitamins and minerals before introducing supplements on your own.