Spring is Around the Corner

Spring is Around the Corner

By Faizan Haq

The good thing about the weather is that it is always changing. True, there are places in the world where the weather doesn’t change much. False, the duration of the weather doesn’t fluctuate or the daytime doesn’t contract or expand. The ultimate reality of life remains “the change”. In this context, change should be celebrated in business as well. The changes can be positive and negative, the factors that cause those changes could be local, national, or international. Those factors at times could be devastating for certain businesses and at the same time a great advantage for other businesses. Just as we experienced in this winter season, the snow removal and plowing business did very well and other service-related businesses may have suffered.

As Spring is around the corner new opportunities, new horizons, and new possibilities will resurrect. We must prepare ourselves to anticipate and assess the needs of the market and get ready to maximize the benefit of what is coming our way. The weather cycle already predicts what will be needed. If you have the entrepreneurial spirit in you and are not afraid to work hard, let me give you the news of good fortune. There are going to be so many business opportunities in cleaning, landscaping, trimming, painting, and repairing. We are fortunate that we live in a four-season region. Every season is predictable for its requirements. It’s up to you how to change every season into an opportunity for you.  

One of the greatest ways to understand what is needed is to critically observe what people need to live better or to make their lives more convenient or easier. You can simply ask yourself, what will make your life easier if you were in their shoes? The more critically you think, the more comprehensive your list of needs will be able to make. The beautiful thing about life is that it is a continuum of change. Change must be embraced with the commitment to renewing ourselves for every season.

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