Rock Your Pink Polo: Male Support

Rock Your Pink Polo: Male Support

By Matthew Brooke Show your support! Men groups all around the United States choose to wear pink during the month of October to demonstrate their support for the cure, treatment, and prevention of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society (ACS), a leader in cancer research and prevention organi...

By Matthew Brooke

Show your support! Men groups all around the United States choose to wear pink during the month of October to demonstrate their support for the cure, treatment, and prevention of breast cancer.

The American Cancer Society (ACS), a leader in cancer research and prevention organization, has hosted many events through the years encouraging men to wear pink and support breast cancer awareness. The Real Men Wear Pink group is made up of community leaders, in a location near you, to raise awareness and money to support the ACS’s mission to “save more lives than ever before from breast cancer.” The ACS’s mission is to increase early detection and prevention, cancer research, and to support the patients that have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has also partnered with the NFL for the past nine years in having the football players, crews, coaches, and all members that head to the gridiron wear pink in their support of breast cancer awareness. In addition to these athletes, coaches, and crews wearing pink and increasing awareness, the NFL gives 100% of the proceeds from Pink products sales to the American Cancer Society. “Since 2009, the partnership has raised nearly $15 million for the American Cancer Society, with the majority of contributions coming from the sale of pink merchandise”

Strength through solidarity is a common mantra during ill health and troubling times. By showing support for the other gender, men can stand alongside women hand in hand in conquering a terrible condition. It is can be troubling to experience such grief if your partner, mother, sister, grandmother, or female friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Men like women can be diagnosed with breast cancer. “While less than 1 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses are men, they make up one in every thousand who will be diagnosed with breast cancer.” Wear Pink to not only support the women of our lives but also to support all people who are diagnosed with this cancer.

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