Personal Achievement: Skill Set versus Mindset (Skill Set and Mindset)

Personal Achievement: Skill Set versus Mindset (Skill Set and Mindset)

By: Faizan Haq, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Your Bliss Magazine and CEO, Manage Your Business, LLC


How does a person become successful? If a person is successful, how do we determine the level of success. Is the person a high achiever or just successful or just getting by? Judgements such as these can be misleading and inconclusive. It is the mindset that directs the skill that does what needs to be done. When the mindset is not aligned with the skill set success can be difficult and at times impossible. So, the question what should one work on first?

In my opinion, mindset is far more important than skill set. Skill set can be learned, hired, or acquired. However, the mindset needs a lot more work as it is made of assumptions, narrative, brought up failures, successes, attitude, values, belief systems and cultural background. It is hard to pinpoint at any given instant what caused which decisions and why. This also explains that many people of great skill sets have not been able to engage their mindset to acquire their potential.

So, in this short article, we will specifically focus on the mindset. I can only share what I have discovered about me and how it has at times helped me and at other times challenged me. When I must make a decision, no matter how small in detail or amount, I attempt to align it with a bigger vision. Many times, the vision is so big that the small detail or the amount in question seems trivial or insignificant. As you add up many of these small details and amounts before you know it you have created a financial Grand Canyon for you to fall into. The lesson learned is to have a team member with a different mindset who can prevent the accumulated or the snowball effect of these small details and amounts.

Now the next challenge is to get along with the team member who’s mindset is analyzing the details and amounts. This is where the negotiating skills and communication capabilities are tested to be able to find a balance between the grand vision and a detailed, orientated mindset. Sometimes, the grand vision determines the outcome of the decision-making process as the odds for overall success may be better than the probability of losing it all. Other times, the gods of details may just punish the subjects of the grand vison for dreaming big. It is a long conversation, and we shall continue this topic for the next month. Until then, Happy Father’s Day!

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