Our Lives Start At Home: Earth Day for All!

Our Lives Start At Home: Earth Day for All!

You are one of nearly 8 billion people that share the same home. There is no other home quite like ours; roughly 71% of our planet’s surface is made of waters and 29% is land. Birds, fish, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fungi, other mammals, you name it - we all live here.

In October 1969, peace activist John McConnell was at the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) conference held in San Francisco. He made the proposal of a global holiday for us to peacefully unite to honor our planet Earth and all that it offers us. He also wanted to raise an alarm about the threats to our ecological system - from pollution, deforestation, and other ecological threats his intent was to emphasize that mankind needs to nurture our beloved home so as to not harm trillions of species including our own. 

The first celebration of Earth Day was in March 21, 1970 and in June of that same year Mr. McConnell’s Earth Day Proclamation stating the principles and responsibilities to care for the Earth. It was signed by 36 world leaders and other notable influencers of the day. Today, the original signed Proclamation is at the United Nations headquarters in New York City and Earth Day has been celebrated annually since 1970 at the United Nations with ringing of the UN Peace Bell.

On April 22nd each year, we all can unite on one day to reflect and review ways we can our home, Earth. Our future and those of future generations depend on you!

Some ways to celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and every other day of the year!

1. Be car-free. Walk or bike to school — not only is it good for the body, it’s good for the environment too!

2. Make a bird feeder or house. Use a milk carton, a large water or soda bottle, or a pine cone.

3. Visit and support wildlife refuges in your community. Visit Tifft Nature Preserve, The Botanical Gardens or Hawk Creek Wildlife Center.

4. Create recycling bins. Cut out pictures of plastic bottles, paper, and aluminum cans and glue them to the bins. Practice sorting together!

5. Make positive promises. Fill a journal with resolutions for how your family can help the earth. Decorate it with photographs, poems, and pictures.

6. Grow something. Plant a seed, sprout, flower, or tree in a pot, garden, or backyard. Find more gardening activities here. There are many parks where you can donate to tree planting efforts. The Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District website offers tree seedlings and youth groups to promote protecting our environment for the future. (www.ecswcd.org)

7. Spread the love. Make and decorate Earth Day cards using recycled materials. Include an Earth Day celebration tip, and send them to friends and family.

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