Navigating Life with a Mental Illness

Navigating Life with a Mental Illness

By: Megan Plevniak

Today we are going to discuss a topic that people seldom talk about: mental health. You may be wondering why that is. Family dynamics and cultural influences significantly contribute to this problem. In certain families there is a lack of discussion about emotions. Millions of people suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses, and in this article, you will learn a comprehensive guide to a happier, healthier life.

Did you know that many people throughout history have suffered from a mental illness? This encompasses individuals such as Beethoven, Van Gogh, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Issac Newton, Nikola Tesla and more. You aren’t born with anxiety. Anxiety and depression stem from trauma and our environment. You can’t change your past or circumstances that arise, but you can choose how you respond to them. You can also set boundaries with people, places, and yourself.

Many individuals go to therapy which can be expensive, but many options include insurance coverage, payment plans, and even virtual therapy. Other therapy practices include self-help books, journaling, and apps like Headspace and Balance. Most of these are cost effective and free which means help is available for everyone.

We spend most of our lives inside of our head so let’s make it a happy place to be. Imagine that you have encountered many negative experiences in your life and it just seems like a never-ending rollercoaster of obstacles such as bad breakups, financial issues, work stress, or family drama. Sometimes you will surrender to a downward spiral and indulge in pessimistic thinking. The first step is acceptance. Once you start to accept the negative experiences from your past without judgement, it becomes easier to let go.

The worst critic you will ever face is your own. When you practice a healthy dialogue, you are bound to believe it, and if you don’t process emotions, they grow beneath the surface causing stress, anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that humans can retrain their brain. You simply have to be willing to do the work. 

One of my favorite coping mechanisms are words of affirmation. How you treat yourself plays an important role in your life. Every day you wake up try saying positive dialogue such as “Today will be a great day” or “I will get this promotion.” Once you change your internal dialogue you will find it easier to navigate challenges. Overthinking can simply be avoided. This may take time and practice, but if you put in the work, you will reap the benefits. You have the power to choose how to react to situations in your everyday life.

Another effective method for enhancing your mental well-being is through the practice of meditation. Now I know what you’re thinking; meditation is boring and you have to look like Budda—but that isn’t my style. Meditating is far simpler than that, in fact, most people have already done it and they aren’t aware of it. Meditation refers to the process of allowing oneself to breathe, thus giving you space to process any emotion. This can be done by taking a walk outside, listening to music and soundscapes, or deep breathing. Activities like walking, enjoying nature, eating right, and journaling reduce stress by at least 40 percent. Some foods that decrease stress, anxiety, and depression are bananas, dark chocolate, berries, avocado, green tea, eggs, almonds, fish, dark leafy greens, oranges, and chamomile tea. These contain a rich array of vitamins, antioxidants, and magnesium, which can enhance your mood and elevate serotonin levels. Also try ashwagandha, stress supplements, CBD, and essential oils such as lavender.

There are numerous ways to navigate life with a mental illness. Once you start to confront these issues, accept past trauma, set boundaries, practice positive dialogue, and talk about it, it will leave a profound and enduring influence on your life. The information provided is for general informational purposes and is not intended as professional advice. It is advisable to consult a medical professional prior to taking these steps.

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