March 20th: International Day of Happiness

March 20th: International Day of Happiness

What am I grateful for?

Who am I grateful for? 

What have I recently overcame?

Saturday March 20, 2021 is the International Day of Happiness and I encourage you to partake. This holiday was created by the United Nations in 2013 to help people world-wide take a minute and recognize the importance of happiness in their lives. The goal of this holiday is to remind the world that happiness is for all, and happiness can be forever if you allow it to. It encourages people to emphasize and focus on what brings them together and what they have in common with others instead of dwelling on our differences or the various things that divide us.

The International Day of Happiness comes at a very influential time for those of us living in the United States. Here, we are living in a divided nation of people who are looking for something positive to hold on to. This makes it hard to focus on the positives in life when it seems like we are constantly surrounded with negativity; many people have lost their jobs or even their loved ones in this pandemic. People are feeling isolated and alone due to mandatory social distancing and limitations on our social interactions. Worst of all, there doesn’t seem to be any upcoming change to our new reality, which is scary and sometimes causes us to lose sight of what is really important. It is my hope that this holiday will provide our American people with some relief. I hope people understand that even if their life is not perfect, there is always something to be grateful for. 

On March 20th, do something different with a small amount of your time that will help you focus on happiness. Think: what are you grateful for? Who are you grateful for? What is a recent battle with yourself that you won or lost and what did you learn? Even if things haven’t gone your way at all this past year, be grateful you are still here on this earth and able to make an impact on those around you! When you look around, don’t compare yourself to others, be positive! Thank people for being in your life and providing you with support and reciprocate the support they give you! 

I hope we all find something positive in our lives to think about this March and that International Happiness Day reminds us that it takes much more energy to focus on negativity. So why not make everyday a day we focus on happiness?

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