Maintaining Optimism in a Negative Situation

Maintaining Optimism in a Negative Situation

By Tehniyet Azam Happiness is the key to life. No matter what life throws at us we should always have a positive approach to everything. A car that breaks down in the middle of your street can be frustrating, but what if we were on the highway going 65 miles per hour? The car stalls, and leads to a ...

By Tehniyet Azam

Happiness is the key to life. No matter what life throws at us we should always have a positive approach to everything. A car that breaks down in the middle of your street can be frustrating, but what if we were on the highway going 65 miles per hour? The car stalls, and leads to a fatal situation. Sometimes its not easy to see the positivity in situations when everything in your life seems to fall apart.

Believe in yourself: There are moments in life related to personal or professional life when anyone would think that they have failed at life or things are not happening the way they were supposed to be. Your friends will always tell you that everything happens for a reason and at the right time. This is said to you so that you can feel confident about yourself, and you can move on. The most important thing that anyone can do is believe in themselves. One should never doubt their abilities. Everyone is born with a gift and should be proud of it. Believing in yourself wont make everything 100 percent, but it gives you confidence to solve the problems.

Count your blessings: Sometimes with life situations, it’s hard to look at the positives that we have in life. A person going through a messy breakup will think that their life is ending, and that they are going to be lonely forever. It’s okay to feel depressed and sad but not looking at the positive aspect of that breakup can be unhealthy. The partner could be abusive, he/she was asking for financial help could leave you in debt and much more. Look around and see what makes you happy. Maybe it’s your child, your pet, your parents anything that makes you feel loved, that makes you feel blessed. One should always look at the blessings that they have, that will make your lousy day seem better.

We come in this world for a very short period of time. We should focus more on how to make this stay worthwhile than being miserable. Being upset or depressed about certain situations in life is not a bad thing. It is a normal emotion, but finding the positive in every negative makes the hard situation easier to handle. Thinking positively doesn’t mean that it will solve the problem it will just give you success, which is defined as the ability to enjoy your achievements and solve problems as life throws them at you.

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