Keeping Up on New Year’s Resolution Goals

Keeping Up on New Year’s Resolution Goals

By: Sue Perbody

Can you believe we are halfway through the year 2023? At the start of the year, you may have set some resolutions for yourself. What have you done throughout the year to stick to those goals? It’s ok if you say nothing. Sometimes we need a half-year kickstart to re-establish what it is we want to accomplish. I am here today to tell you that it is ok if you’re slacking a little bit this year. It is never too late to re-evaluate your goals from January, and to start fresh! Here’s how you can do so without feeling guilty.

Do you have a list of your goals written down somewhere? This can be a note in your phone, or in a physical journal or notebook. Keeping things written down somewhere will help trigger your memory into knowing that there is something to be done. Has your motivation level deteriorated throughout the year? Stay on top of things by revisiting that list you made at the beginning of the year. What have you done so far to stick to those goals? What have you stopped doing? Re-starting where you left off is still a sign of moving forward. Take your large to-do list of items and break them down into smaller goals. This can feel more rewarding because you are accomplishing little things slowly, instead of something too big all at once.

When getting discouraged, remind yourself that hitting your goals or even not hitting your goals does not define your character. This is a positive thing that you should want to do for you and yourself alone. When it comes to short-term and long-term goals, you are the first priority. You are your own personal cheerleader, your number one support system, and the main reason why you should want to better yourself.

Do you have a routine in place for accomplishing your resolutions? Be sure to set time aside for accomplishing these goals. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a big chunk of time. Take 10 or 20 minutes after work or after dinnertime to review what it is you wish to accomplish by the end of the day, week, month, or year. Don’t be afraid to set reminders, either! Write little notes around your living space, such as a motivational quote or reminder on your bathroom mirror.

Remember, it is never too soon to set goals for yourself. Motivation is everything, and sometimes the hardest part is simply finding that motivation. Once you gain that drive, take it, and run with it! Me personally, I am ready to get myself in better physical and mental shape by the end of this year. I am being more mindful of what I am consuming, and journaling my daily activities as a reminder that everything is going to work out in the end. There will be easy days, and there will be hard days. Balance the good with the bad, and everything will work out for the better. Stay positive and remember that little progress is better than none at all.

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