How to Keep Animals Away from Gardens

How to Keep Animals Away from Gardens

By: Molly McGarvey

Keeping pests like raccoons, moles, squirrels, rabbits, and deer out of our gardens can be challenging, often with little success despite our best efforts. To combat these critters and protect our produce effectively, I conducted research and found several methods that work well. Deer and rabbits are sensitive to certain strong-smelling plants, which can be used as a natural protective barrier around the garden’s borders.

Some examples of these plants are ladybells, poppies, lavender, geraniums, and more. Additionally, plants like garlic, onion, chives, and mint have powerful scents that deter deer and rabbits while also serving a purpose in the kitchen. You can harvest them for cooking, making it a beneficial choice. Using vinegar in a spray bottle can act as a powerful rabbit deterrent. Simply dilute white rice vinegar with water and spray it around the area surrounding your plants. Red pepper flakes also work well as a repellent for animals and insects. You can either make a spray with water and red pepper flakes or simply sprinkle the flakes around the garden. Another method involves using Irish Spring Soap, which pests dislike. Cut the soap in half, drill a hole in each half, and string them on a line to hang around the fencing or posts surrounding your garden, spaced about 3 feet apart. This can effectively keep the pests away. Sulfur is another scent disliked by animals. A product called “Liquid Fence,” which contains sulfur powder, can repel deer and rabbits. You can purchase this product on Amazon for around $25.

Used in combination with the scents mentioned earlier, the most effective method to keep animals out of your garden is by installing deer fence netting at the appropriate height to prevent them from jumping over it. For added protection against moles, it’s wise to dig about a foot down and place the fence below the surface to deter them from digging underneath. The ideal deer fence should be 8-10 feet tall and set at a 45-degree angle at the top to discourage deer from entering. Another practical approach is to use noisemakers and motion sensor lights near your garden. Windchimes can serve as a pleasant decorative deterrent, scaring away unwanted animals. Additionally, having a bright motion sensor light can startle animals and prompt them to run off. Routine garden upkeep is also essential. Be sure to remove fallen fruits and vegetables promptly to prevent rotting, which could attract animals to your crops. Rabbits and squirrels, in particular, will avoid areas where they sense the presence of their predators, even just by smelling their urine. If you’ve been considering getting a dog, this could be a good reason to do so.

Rabbits will be deterred if they detect a dog’s urine in your yard. By implementing these various methods, you can significantly enhance your garden’s protection against unwanted pests and increase the likelihood of successfully safeguarding your produce.

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