Find Your Zen With Yoga

Find Your Zen With Yoga

By Oliver Clarke The concept of using yoga to free yourself from stress and improve mental and physical health is so widespread now that it is almost cliché. From women’s magazines to wellmeaning aunts, if you have stress in your life, someone has suggested yoga. The vast majority of American...

By Oliver Clarke

The concept of using yoga to free yourself from stress and improve mental and physical health is so widespread now that it is almost cliché. From women’s magazines to wellmeaning aunts, if you have stress in your life, someone has suggested yoga. The vast majority of Americans have brushed off the suggestion without even trying it. However, yoga is not just for Aunt Carol; it’s for everybody, and science says it actually works.

The vast majority of stressors in our world today are psychological; we may not have to run from a predator, but we have bills to pay, deal with screaming children, and have quick approaching deadlines at work. However, our bodies still react to stress in a very physical way, turning on genes that cause inflammation, a rush of glucose, and even an influx of cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, chronic stress takes its toll on the body, in the form of minor symptoms like headaches and poor eating habits, and in serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and asthma.

Over 18 studies suggest that “mind-body interventions” such as yoga and meditation can help. Just 12 minutes of yoga per day can significantly reduce the genetic markers of stress, increase pain tolerance, reduce anxiety and depression, and create an overall feeling of wellbeing.

Yoga classes can provide a wonderful space for social interaction; you can make new friends or bring your family. If you are not in a financial position to pay for classes, you can watch free yoga videos online to practice the moves and stances.

Even if you experience physical limitations, there are more gentle forms of yoga than the stereotype of bending oneself into a pretzel. Additionally, the core principles of controlled breath and mindfulness can be practiced anywhere to great success. So, the next time you are stuck in bumper to
bumper traffic, try slowing your breathing and focusing on your body, relaxing your muscles and release the stress from your body breath by breath. Starting a new habit of mind-body interventions may well make you happier now and save your future self from heart disease!

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