Father’s Day: Love for all Dads and Grandpas

Father’s Day: Love for all Dads and Grandpas

By: Miscellaneous Contributors


From Sara: My Dad was the first human I laid eyes on while crying in the ICU at the hospital. My mom became very sick after childbirth, but he assured me that I wasn’t alone. He knocked on the glass window facing me. He waved to me and talked to me. As soon as I heard his voice calling my name, I immediately stopped crying and felt less alone. I was trying to wave back with just one of my fingers. My Dad taught me nearly everything I know. During my childhood, he was a busy man taking care of his sick mother or his disabled wife or repairing appliances for his clients, all while raising me also. At a young age, I have seen the passion he offered in his work and the love he has for his family. He’s retired now. I’m imagining without seeing his passion, I wouldn’t be as hard working in life and driven to pursue my creative endeavors. He will always be my rock because his passion and determination forever inspired me the most throughout my life.

From Katy: The earliest memory I have of my dad is during the winter when I was in preschool. He was taking me to my parent’s vehicle to take me to my care facility when he slipped and fell on the ice, instantly shattering his ankle. I have vivid memories of people coming to our home to take my dad to the hospital to put a metal plate into his ankle. I’ve always known my dad Jim as a hard-working, handy, smart, and dedicated man. He worked two jobs for a long time to be sure his family was taken care of and supported. My brothers and I had a good life growing up; we lived in a ranch-style house, and we went on occasional vacations. We didn’t always have the fanciest clothes, the coolest toys, or the latest trends. What we did have was a dedicated, loving household with so much support during tough years of bullying and hardship. What we still have is that same support, as adults. My dad is now a grandpa, and I love seeing his face light up around my niece and nephews. He’s in great health, and I aspire to live a life like he got to at a younger age. Maybe one day, Father’s Day: Love for all Dads and Grandpas By: Miscellaneous Contributors Your Bliss • 10 I’ll drive a fancy 1963 Chevrolet Impala that I will call the “Jim-pala.”

From Rachael: I remember having a childhood filled with love, laughter, activity and support to grow and be myself. A huge part of this was thanks to my father, which I will always be grateful for. Now being an adult and seeing how exhausting working and life can be, I think back on how after a long day my father would come home and make time for me. This still blows my mind. I remember often walking to the park, going on bike rides or him helping me to practice any sport I was currently playing or with my schoolwork. My father was one of my best teachers, no matter what it was he always took an interest in what I wanted to do and pushed me to pursue the things I loved. I believe that I wouldn’t have the motivation or be who I am today had it not been for him.

From Gabrielle: My father is a businessman, son, nephew, doctor and much more. He inspires me to work hard, follow my dreams, while being my own personal cheerleader and is proud of how far I have advanced myself both professionally and as a person. I owe it all to him and my mom for being the person I am today. My dad is a chiropractor with his practice at Lancaster Depew Chiropractic and has opened my family and myself up to a holistic way of living. I learned to take care of myself by taking certain supplements that give my body the proper balance of vitamins, how important exercise is and how certain food can help you live a healthy lifestyle. By learning about these factors, I try my best to incorporate them whenever possible to achieve my personal goals. I am thankful to have someone as great as he is as a dad and I enjoy taking family vacations with him, us both bonding over Imperial Pizza, him inspiring me to be a college athlete where I competed at the Division 1 level at Canisius University on the rowing team, just to name a couple things. He is my biggest fan just like I am too his biggest fan, Happy Father’s Day to all that celebrate!

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