Enjoying The Single Life On Valentine’s Day

Enjoying The Single Life On Valentine’s Day

By Katy Siwirski Valentine’s Day originated as a day to celebrate and honor one or more early saints named Valentinus within the Western Christianity. It became associated with romantic love in the 14th century when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Hand-written valentines like greetin...

By Katy Siwirski

Valentine’s Day originated as a day to celebrate and honor one or more early saints named Valentinus within the Western Christianity. It became associated with romantic love in the 14th century when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Hand-written valentines like greeting cards began in the 18th century. Valentine’s Day is a day to honor and celebrate time with your loved ones. This doesn’t mean it is limited to your significant other! There are plenty of ways to enjoy Valentine’s Day and celebrate the holiday of love.

Make Valentines for your Closest Friends:

Your friends are an important factor in your life. Take this day to remind them how much they mean to you. Create handcrafted valentines for your closest friends to show how much you cherish their friendship. Are you not very creative and crafty? Go to the store and buy some pre-made valentines to write a warm, personalized message to give to your friends! Remember, it’s the thought that counts the most.

Go on a Friend Date:
You’re definitely not the only person that’s single on Valentine’s Day. Find another single friend and go out on a friend date! See a movie, go out to dinner, or explore the town. Based on personal experience, friend dates are very successful in bringing smiles to our faces. My single friend and I went to Pizza Hut on Valentine’s Day, and had a blast! We bought each other cards and reminded each other how much our friendship means to the other. Not all dates have to be cute and romantic. Cherishing your friendships is just as important.


Stay Home and Have a “Me” Day:
Are you a rather shy person? Are you an introvert? Take this day to yourself and stay home and reflect on your own selflove. It is important to love yourself before you can fully love someone else. Take this time to reflect on your well-being. Are you happy? Are you ready to celebrate this holiday with someone else? Do you have no interest in a significant other, and want to stay single forever? Do what you love, do what makes you happy.

Spend the Day with Family:
Take this day to reflect on and enjoy time with the people that mean the most to you. Friends and significant others can be temporary, but family is forever. Rent a movie and watch it with your parents. Get together with siblings and go out to dinner. Are you tight on money? Most people have Netflix or Hulu for movies and TV shows. Find a new movie, or watch an old classic. Not a big movie junkie? Get together and look through old family photo albums. Reflect on the memories that mean the most to you.

Valentine’s Day is a day of love and happiness. Even if it is commonly celebrated with a significant other, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the holiday without a special someone. Take this day to get out and enjoy what you already have in your life, instead of grieving on what you wish you had.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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