Dr. RS: Exercise and Supplements for the Elderly

Dr. RS: Exercise and Supplements for the Elderly

By: Dr. Riffat Sadiq, CEO of WNY Medical, PC, Channel Creator

As we grow older, you may notice that you don’t pay as much attention to your body as we may once have. We may not think exercise is as crucial in older age. As we grow older, we develop more problems with our bodies such as diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, and arthritis. If we don’t want these medical conditions to worsen with age, we should add an element of exercise into our daily life.

What happens when we exercise? Our muscles strengthen. Our hearts work better. Our joints stay healthy. Our blood sugar regulates. Our pain is less. Our blood pressure is under better control when we exercise. We only have one life to live, and it is crucial to use it or lose it. What are some simple yet effective exercises we can do daily? Walking. Our lives are busy, and you may not have time to get to the gym each day. You don’t even have to go outside! You can walk inside your house, apartment, or assisted living facility. Another simple form of exercise, if accessible, is swimming. Water is very good for our bodies; it hydrates our joints. You can also do aerobic exercises in the water.

Simply put, it is important to remain active after we eat our meals. We should get up and move every day to keep control over medical problems. As we grow older, we need more maintenance on our bodies, and we need to keep as active as our bodies allow us. Including dietary supplements in your daily intake can help avoid various medical problems, such as osteoporosis and arthritis. I recommend a healthy diet over pills because we absorb the nutrients more effectively from food than pills. Adding eggs into our diet supplies us with good levels of vitamin A and vitamin D. Adding milk and green vegetables into our diet supplies us with calcium and vitamin B. Fish and nuts can add omega-3, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins to our diets. Consuming bone broth is another nutritious supplement that can help us.

Overall, it is important to keep our bodies feeling young and staying healthy. Daily exercise, along with a properly balanced diet, can help us feel great, even at 88! Remaining active and well-balanced at an older age will guarantee a good outcome for the rest of our lives.

Dr. Riffat Sadiq: Restoring Self

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