Chipping Away Strategy

Chipping Away Strategy

By: Faizan Haq, Executive Editor, Your Bliss Magazine

 Just like life, in business one fears big decisions and big projects. The mode of indecision and suspension of big projects feeds into anxiety that further paralyzes a business. The entrepreneurs and business leaders are sometimes faced with such situations that may force them into a state of fear and panic. An entrepreneur is constantly balancing his or her decisions between two states of risk and security. In either state, projects are waiting for decisions and teams need directions. What to do when you are in a jeopardy? How do you overcome a state of indecision?

The answer is one should always chip away at those projects by taking small steps. Focus on what is immediately ahead of you that will further either the decision itself or prepares oneself to be in a more informed position. This may need a healthy debate within your own team or reaching out to a consultant or a trusted advisor. In the meanwhile, the real action of one’s core business shall never stop. If in any case one feels stuck or anxious, chip away at current projects. The more one will focus on what is at hand, the clearer will be the objectives for big projects.

What I learned from my business and personal life is that the big projects always start with very small steps. The first step is always the inception of idea, then comes nourishing of the ideas into an imagined world. Then, one works on the details of that world that you want to create. Hence, a project is born. Of course, one needs to consult with experts and team members who are going to help you in delivery of those projects. The quality of delivery depends on one’s capacity to communicate the vision and having your team members buy into that vision. Turning that vision into a reality starts by chipping away at the details. So, my friends, chip away a little at a time on the big projects that you have planned for yourself or your business.

I am dedicating this article to my mentor and sincere friend, late professor Carmen

Iannaccone (seen bottom right) who always advised me, “Chip away Faizan, chip away!”

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