Arthritis, Hypertension, Diabetes & Weight Loss Juice

Arthritis, Hypertension, Diabetes & Weight Loss Juice

By Tehniyet Azam  Appliances: JuiceExtractor Fresh Produce: Apples: 5 pieces • Kiwis: 5pieces Pineapples: 2 cups • Oranges: 5pieces Blue & Black Berries: 2 cups • Celery: 10stalks Carrot: 10 pieces • Ginger Root: 1/4cup Lemons: 2 pieces • Beets: 2pieces Seeds: Chia Seeds: 1/4cup (Soak...

By Tehniyet Azam



Fresh Produce:

  • Apples: 5 pieces • Kiwis: 5pieces
  • Pineapples: 2 cups • Oranges: 5pieces
  • Blue & Black Berries: 2 cups • Celery: 10stalks
  • Carrot: 10 pieces • Ginger Root: 1/4cup
  • Lemons: 2 pieces • Beets: 2pieces


Chia Seeds: 1/4cup

(Soak them for an hour or so before you mix it with the juice)


Extract the juice of all vegetables and fruits. Add soaked chia seeds at the end to the juice. You can add water if the juice is too thick for you.

You can drink as much as you want. You can also add grapefruit juice to the recipe. Please note that cancer patients should not use grapefruit in the recipe. This recipe will make

juice for almost five days. I take 18 oz. as my breakfast each morning. It makes me feel fresh, and I don’t feel hungry. There will be frequent bowel movement because of the fruits and vegetables in the juice.


*Please consult with your doctor before starting any diet program or making changes to your nutrition.*

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