Are Black Friday Sales Really a Deal?

Are Black Friday Sales Really a Deal?

By Canny Savanney Each year the carnivorous market of department stores battle it out for you, the paying customer. People camp out the entire day of Thanksgiving or even earlier for the “greatest deals of the year!”. But are these ‘deals’ all that great? Think about of it. How many time...

By Canny Savanney
Each year the carnivorous market of department stores battle it out for you, the paying customer. People camp out the entire day of Thanksgiving or even earlier for the “greatest deals of the year!”. But are these ‘deals’ all that great? Think about of it. How many times have you watched the television and have absent mindedly been subjected to a one day only sale commercial or weekend doorbuster promotion? Quite a few I would imagine. Sales are constantly being held by these department stores every weekend.
Here are some tips to get the best bang for your buck this holiday season!

1)The sales are the best after the major holidays

It’s true! Most stores are ready to get rid of whatever they did not sell over the holiday season. They are gathering their products for their spring and summer collections. Sure, somethings may be picked over but at least you will get your item on a hot discount.

2) Online deals

Now a days, most people shop online in addition to in person. They are either too busy or just simply do not want to get caught in the maddening tight crowds of last minute holiday shoppers. Sometimes they offer free shipping after you spend a certain amount. Deals you find on Cyber Monday can be steals, but make sure you have your shopping list all set and ready to order before you go into the office. No employer likes to see you shopping online while on the job (unless of course your job is ‘online shopper’).

3) Start Shopping as earliest as possible

You may be thinking, great I haven’t even started. Don’t stress! Just start when you can. If you see something you know would be perfect for someone for the holidays and you can afford it before the holiday madness than buy it. Set it aside, somewhere where you will not forget it. Accumulating your gifts for everyone over the year will help you avoid breaking the bank at the end of the year. Making it possible to enjoy
them even more.

The fuss of Black Friday may have been once a remarkable thing, but the truth is merchandisers are always going to have specials running for you. Make sure to compare the deals the weeks leading up to Black Friday. Sometimes, they have better deals before Black Friday. Either way make sure you take the time to enjoy the holidays with your family and make the best financial decisions so you start off the new year financially sound!

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