Animals In The Workplace

Animals In The Workplace

By Lauren Antkowiak The workplace can be a very stressful and overwhelming place. A rising trend has emerged to combat this negative environment, animals in the workplace. In the last few years, more and more companies are allowing employees to bring their pets to work. While this sounds amazing...

By Lauren Antkowiak

The workplace can be a very stressful and overwhelming place. A rising trend has emerged to combat this negative environment, animals in the workplace. In the last few years, more and more companies are allowing employees to bring their pets to work. While this sounds amazing, it might not be for everyone.

Some pros to having animals in the office are obvious. Research has shown that being around animals reduces stress and boosts morale. They can even jump start a conversation between employees who would normally not interact with each other, which increases internal communication. Also, when employees see that they have something in common, they are more willing to work together.

Animals in the workplace can also increase productivity. Employees feel supported by their employers, have fun and humor added to their work day, and are not distracted worrying about their animals who are home alone. It also encourages employees to decompress from their stressful work with a break to give their animal some attention or get a little exercise in by taking them for a walk. Work can become more positive, productive, and enjoyable by having animals around.

However, there are some negative sides to this. Many employers don’t think animals increase productivity but rather hinder it because animals can be disruptive, noisy, and overall distracting. There is also the issue of allergies and some employees having fears of animals. There are simple solutions to these issues, such as having designated areas for the animals or having certain days animals can be brought to work. Even though there are solutions, these issues are only related to how people would react to having animals in the workplace; what about the pets themselves? Pets have all types of personalities, some of which may not be compatible to the work environment. These include being shy and uncomfortable in new environments or needing more attention than someone can give or destroying things in the office. Take in to account how the animals would handle being in this type of environment, and all the other issues, before any animal is brought into the workplace.

Allowing animals in the workplace could significantly change the atmosphere of the office, for better or worse. Start out on a trail basis to see how it would influence your office. Partake in the national Take Your Pet to Work Week, which occurs every June, or set up different dates that work best for your office. The only way to know is to test it out. And if you are lucky enough to work at a place that allows animals, enjoy that extra time with
your favorite furry friend!

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