5 Steps For A Happier Work Day

5 Steps For A Happier Work Day

By Oliver Clarke Being happy is not a miraculous occurrence; it is a skill borne of resilience and practice. When you make deliberate choices to encourage your happiness, you will find yourself less unhappy everywhere, even at work. Prepare yourself for a day of happiness In the mornings, get up 15 ...

By Oliver Clarke

Being happy is not a miraculous occurrence; it is a skill borne of resilience and practice. When you make deliberate choices to encourage your happiness, you will find yourself less unhappy everywhere, even at work.

Prepare yourself for a day of happiness

In the mornings, get up 15 minutes earlier to get yourself the best possible start. Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast, and take some time to do one, small enjoyable thing before you head to work. It may be to enjoy a cup of tea, meditate for 5-10 minutes, or to go on a jog. You know yourself best. When you get to work, take the first few minutes to make a list of just a few goals you wish to accomplish that day. Try to think of each day as a new beginning.

Make your space your own

Personalizing your desk can make you feel more relaxed and at home. Adding a photo of your loved ones will make you smile, and a favorite quote can inspire you. Changing your desktop background to a picture of your favorite vacation spot or a visual representation of a personal goal will give you something to look forward to and remind you what you are working for.

Stay present

We’ve talked about the benefits of mindfulness in this magazine before, but they cannot be overstated! Every time you catch your mind lingering over worries or obsessively running through your to-do list, bring your attention back to the task at hand. When you have accomplished something, take a minute to celebrate it before moving on to the next task. Mindfulness is difficult, especially at first, but if you keep at it, you will reduce your stress.

Make it meaningful

Your job may not feel glamorous, but you don’t have to save lives every day to find meaning and take pride in your work. Aside from reframing your perspective on your job itself, interpersonal relationships can help you take pride in your job. Take the time to help others, and to express gratitude when they help you. Foster a culture of positivity.


As you clean off your desk to make everything neat and tidy for the next day’s fresh start, try to make peace with the day’s frustrations and put them aside. It is all too easy to bring the stress of your workday home with you, preventing you from truly enjoying the rest of your day. Right before you leave, take a minute to acknowledge your own progress, especially towards the goals you listed at the start of the day.

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