The 4th of July

The 4th of July

On the 4th of July 2021, is our union more perfect? Are we truly united? Are we diverse enough? Are we living the life we want? Are we at liberty to dream? Are we pursuing happiness that fulfills our aspirations? These questions will continue to be recurring for every generation, because we are a nation built on ideas. Ideas which were fiercely debated in the mid-18th century, argued, and contested in smoked filled rooms and sometimes over hard liquor. There were times when curses and punches were exchanged as well. There was nothing to worry about then and there is still nothing to worry about now. This is who we are. At Your Health, Wealth, Happiness and Spirit, we are focused on health as a measure of the quality of life. We are focused on liberty as a measure to seek livelihood and to freely provide for your family with pride. We are focused on pursuing happiness, by learning and teaching how to be happy with ourselves first. We are focused on the spirit that inspires individuals to discover new lands, climb the highest mountains, dive into the deepest oceans, and overcome daunting odds

of impossibilities. Our American spirit lies in our vision of E Pluribus Unum, “out of many, one”. When we are many, we know there is more than one way to be healthy. When we are many, we know there are ways to engage our entrepreneurship; to earn a comfortable living. It is our diversity that teaches us that happiness has many meanings. The spirit of a human being can be lifted by inspired words spoken in many languages. Out of many, one. The diversity in the life of plants, animals and even bacteria and viruses, guarantees our existence and well-being. Imagine truly celebrating the diversity of humanity, how fulfilling that can be. My dear fellow Americans, this is how we became a world superpower. We kept accumulating talent and hard work from all over the world. We kept giving the gifts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to whoever accepted our open invitation. We reward hard work; we promote genius and we level the playing field for the disadvantaged. In return we have a simple demand, to take an oath to the very document that guarantees the same for others as you choose for yourself. This note is presented to you as it may concern you; what is happening in America today and, what holds for America in the future? Worry not, we have an amazing ability to self-correct and will continue to celebrate the diversity in the path of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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